SAE AMS4014 Aluminum Alloy Plate 4.5cu - 0.85si - 0.80mn - 0.50mg(2014-T651)

时间:2024-04-29 05:05:38 来源: 标准资料网 作者:标准资料网 阅读:9019
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Product Code:SAE AMS4014
Title:Aluminum Alloy Plate 4.5cu - 0.85si - 0.80mn - 0.50mg(2014-T651)
Issuing Committee:Ams D Nonferrous Alloys Committee
Scope:No scope available.
MIL-HDBK-502, DOD HANDBOOK ACQUISITION LOGISTICS (30 MAY 1997). This handbook offers guidance on acquisition logistics as an integral part of the systems engineering process. The information contained herein is applicable, in part or in whole, to all types of materiel and automated information systems and all acquisition strategies. However, this handbook does not present a “cookbook” approach to acquisition logistics—such an approach could not accommodate the vast, widely varying, array of potential materiel acquisitions. It does offer examples and points to consider to help you shape your overall thought processes.【英文标准名称】:Informationprocessing;7-track,12,7mm(0.5in)widemagnetictapeforinformationinterchangerecordedat8rpmm(200rpi)